
“Salle de Spectacles” in Renens
Wettbewerb 1. Preis


Lecture by Raoul Sigl at the TU Braunschweig.

07.01.2025, 18:30, Hörsaal PK 4.7 (TU-Altgebäude), TU Braunschweig, Universitätsplatz 2.


Stadtgrün Zürich

Exhibition at the Stadtgärtnerei on visionary concepts and concrete measures to improve urban climate and biodiversity.
In collaboration with students from the environmental engineering programme of ZHAW, landscape architecture students of OST and students from the Studio Maria Conen at ETH Zürich.

25. November 2024 – 22. Januar 2025, Stadtgärtnerei Zürich. Sackzelg 27,, 8047 Zürich


here + there

Lecture by Maria Conen at the Munich University of Applied Sciences.

14.11.2024, 19:00, Aula, Hochschule München, Fakultät für Architektur, Karlstrasse 6.


Werkbund Zürich: Transformation Kirchgemeindezentrum Wipkingen

Lecture and guided tour with Raoul Sigl through the Kirchgemeindehaus at Rosengartenstrasse

05.10.2024, 14:30-16:30, Rosengartenstrasse 1, Zürich (reservation required)


Ein Haus …

In this edition of the Material Positions Lecture Series at FHNW, Raoul Sigl will present the Westhof in Dübendorf.

01.10.2024, 18:00, Bar du Nord (Gare du Nord), Badischen Bahnhof, Basel


Architekturen des Zusammenlebens – Open House Zürich +

This year’s edition of Open House features a visit to Westhof Dübendorf.

29.09.2024, 16:00 – 17:30 (reservation required)


konstant – unbeständig

Lecture on Westhof from Maria Conen, followed by a panel discussion with Violeta Burckhardt, moderated by Susanne Brauer.

02.09.2024, 18:30, Architektur Forum Ostschweiz


Westhof project on Swiss Architects

“Auf Idealismus gebaut ”


Nachbarschaften – Neighbours

As part of this year’s Nahreisen, we discover nature and habitat around Westhof Dübendorf.

12. & 13.06.2024, 18:00 – 20:00 (reservation required)


Final Discussion at Studio Maria Conen – Living in Cycles

with: Students of Studio Maria Conen, Helen Thomas, Ahmed Belkhodja, Marco Zünd.

Tuesday & Wednesday, 28. & 29.05.2024, HIL D 15

Westhof project on Frame (NL)

“In Zurich, a residential complex ensures sustained quality of life through eco-minded design”

Begin Again. Fail Better – preliminary drawings in architecture (and art)

Group exhibition at the Kunstmuseum Olten, curated by Manuel Montenegro (PT), Helen Thomas (GB) and Marco Bakker (CH/NL).

01.06. – 25.08.2024, Kunstmuseum Olten


Westhof project on Metalocus (ES)

“Sembrando soluciones conscientes y comunidad”


Westhof project on BauNetz (DE)

“An der Bahntrasse”


CSA Office Trip – Basel Classics & Contemporary Housing

Two-day office trip to Basel, visiting new and familiar faces in and around lush streets and courtyards.


Westhof project on ArchDaily


Spaces & Cycles – Inaugural Lecture by Maria Conen

12 March 2024, 17:15, ETH Zürich Zentrum, HG F 30

Live Stream


Hollein Calling – Book Presentation

A conversation around the architectural work of Austrian architect Hans Hollein (1934-2014). With Maria Conen, Raoul Sigl, Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan. Moderation Lorenzo De Chiffre, Benni Eder und Theresa Krenn.

01 March 2023, 19:00h, Never Stop Reading


Lunch Talks Zukunft Stadtnatur

Neighbourhoods. Architecture is about creating habitats for all species. Raoul Sigl will report on the experiences and stories of cross-species neighbourhoods based on the Westhof Project in Dübendorf.

18 January 2024, 12:00, Online


Westhof project in RIBA Journal (GB)

“Swiss practice Conen Sigl creates humane apartment building in Dübendorf”


CSA Book Round #1

Each member of the team brought a current favourite to a roundtable book discussion.


Westhof project in ArcMag 2024-1

“Spielräume für Aneignung”


Final Critiques at Atelier Esch

Trieste – Memories of the Future, with Alex Lehnerer and Raoul Sigl.

20 & 21 December 2023, Accademia di architettura


Office Christmas trip to St.Gallen

Visit to the Kunstgiesserei, Kesselhaus and Stiftung Sitterwerk.


Prix Acier 2023

Westhof Dübendorf was nominated for the Swiss Steel and Metal Construction Prize.


Swiss Talks #3: Experimental Architecture

Maria Conen joins the roundtable discussing the ETH Zurich as a meeting point between research and practice.

22 November 2023, 18:00, Roma & Online


Westhof project in Tec21 2023/37

“Die Poetik des Alltags”


ArcAward 2023

Westhof Dübendorf was nominated for the ArcAward of the Schweizer Baudokumentation.


Hollein Calling

The group exhibition in the Architekturzentrum Wien aims to bring contemporary European architecture into dialogue with projects by Hans Hollein. We show the Teatrino and the projects Fliederstrasse, Zum Hinteren Hecht and the Swiss Art Award 2015. The show is curated by Lorenzo De Chiffre, Benni Eder and Theresa Krenn with works by Almannai Fischer Architekten, Baukuh, Bouvenbouw, Claudia Cavallar, Aslı Çiçek, Doorzon, Martin Feiersinger, David Kohn Architects, Kühn Malvezzi, Lütjens Padmanabhan Architekten, Manthey Kula, Monadnock, OFFICE and Expanded Design.

21.09.2023 – 12.02.2024, Architekturzentrum Wien


best architects 24

Westhof Dübendorf won best architects 2023.


Westhof project in NZZ

“Verdichtung geht auch ohne Dichtestress”


Invitation to visit of Westhof

Saturday, 15 January 2023

Zukunftsstrasse 3-17, 8600 Dübendorf


Office Christmas trip to Glarus

Visit to the horgenglarus factory, Kunsthaus Glarus followed by fondue on the mountain.


Westhof project in Hochparterre

“Dübendorf wächst – 24 Bauten und Projekte”


Visit to construction site and office apéro at Westhof

We look forward to build your museum and/or skyscraper soon.